Majestic League VOL. 2

“Why, I am a doctor. I help people.” The Plague Doctor said said, chuckling.

“Curious,” the dark man said in a flat tone. “The doctors I met wore coats, not Plague Masks. And they didn’t skulk near fighting metahumans, not if they had any self preservation that is.”


The Plague Doctor shook his head. “You do realize that this planet is worthless, do you not?”

“I know nothing of this world,” the dark man said in the same flat, empty tone. “It is foreign to me. You, these lawbringers, the machine-men above, are foreign to me.”

He turns now fully, eyes shining like searchlights. “In my experience however, very few Earths are without merit.”

The Plague Doctor sneered. “That may be what you think, but…” he said, trailing off.

IC: “But?” The dark man replies sharply. He hovers in the direction of the Doctor, arms folded and eyes beaming down oppressively. He does not look very patient.

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“…Humanity has been ravaged by a Plague for centuries , which has become worse as time has past. “ the Doctor said, shifting from side to side. “I have a cure, but nobody will accept my methods. They call me ‘insane’ for my ideas, thinking that I only intend to cause pain and suffering…,” The Plague Doctor chuckled. “But I’m a Doctor. All I want is just to help my patients.” He pulled out a gun, aiming it at the dark man. “And to do that, you must die!” He said, firing the gun at the Dark Man.

The Chem-X man chuckled. “Oh, you think i’m the Plague Doctor? No…” suddenly, the candle and torch lights flickered, the room becoming pitch black. When light returned, the room was filled with literally hundreds of Plague Doctors around Lance, as well as on top of the balconies hanging over the large room. “We are the Plague Doctor.”

IC: The bullet strikes his chest.

The dark man looks down at where the bullet has stopped, a cloud of black particles holding it a millimeter from his chest. He says nothing, looking back up at the Doctor. The eyes widen, and the face stretches. An imprint forms in the blank face, almost like a mouth. Like a smile.

“To save mankind you’d destroy it. All I want is to help. I’m not insane, I need to help you,” the words are dripping with derision, as the Dark Man drops to the ground. The sound of his feet hitting the floor rings out, and he strides toward the plague doctor. His footsteps strike against the metal surface, and the very air around him seems to darken and thicken.

The Dark Man waves a hand to the side. “I have heard those words spoken by demons, killers of children, politicians, even others like me. I have pondered them, fought them, for centuries.” In his left hand, the spear rises, the creature gripping it tightly.

“I believe you,” he said. A dark imprint is spreading across his lower face…almost as if he is smiling. “But you are like them. Too weak or too mad to do what is necessary. You lack balance. You cannot save mankind.”

He spreads his arms wide, eyes glowing so brightly they are painful to look at now. The spear is visible now, its black metal edge stained red by countless years of use.

“But I can. I will save them from every monster in the night. Even you.”

With sudden, unstoppable force, the spear is moving, flying toward the Doctor’s torso like a thunderbolt. It moves so fast he can barely see it come, only hear the distinct whistling it makes as it flies forth.


The Spear impaled the Plague Doctor, sending him flying backwards and pinning his body to a car behind him. “Ugh…” he groaned spreading his body out as blood flowed from where he was struck. Although nobody could see, the Plague Doctor was smiling underneath his mask.

“and why do you need me?”

“Quiet, we don’t want mess with these people.” Manpower hissed.

“Now Leon, I am shocked that you would think that I would be so thin skinned.” Alexandre grinned.

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Gridmaster took the hits. Instead of defending he attempted to push Runa off of him self. Seeing as his head was fairly damaged.

Todd looked over at the building. “I suppose that’d be right. Yeah, we should probably head over.”

Khan charges for the building, trying to assess if there’s an easy way to get that high from the outside or if he’ll need to take the stairs.

IC: The dark man appears a moment or so later, smashing through the remaining elements of the wall in his way easily. He strides over to the doctor, one hand wrapping around the handle. “I’d ask why you shot me, but I seem to have acted a bit hastily in response. A pity. I must exercise more caution.”

“But if you’re still here…let’s take a look behind that mask.”

One of his hands moved, attempting to tear off the mask from the doctor’s face.


IC: The stairs appear the easiest way…

But wait, there appears to be a fire escape (the bottommost ladder of it was shaken open and lies available to be used to clamber up) leading up to the ruined area.


Khan almost passes the thing, all but skidding to a stop as he turns to clamber up the ladder. He stops at the top, assessing how close he is to the landing site.

Runa would go with it, flying off and firing two other shots at him, one at an arm and one at his neck.


IC: The site appears to be about a yard away, inside the building. Black smoke still trails into the sky above, and the interior area is shrouded in darkness.

He can hear the sound of someone coughing, and something clanking, in the dark.

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Sand swirls around the opening, and he briefly considers his options.

“Are you well?” he calls, his low voice travelling easily into the space.

Jacob only just begins to climb the fire escape now, nowhere near as fit as Khan would be.

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