Makuta Apax

A deadly and efficient huntress. A slow and painful death awaits any Toa afflicted by her venom.


Great job. Although I feel like there’s a little to much black.


i like the pop of silver the weapons provide, cool moc


I like everything about the way the legs are built


Man y’all are really in-depth with the one sentence feedback :no_mouth:

Using the top arms’ swords as a way to form a pseudo-abdomen is quite clever. The build itself is a bit messy, especially the leg designs, as it took me almost half a minute to see what was even going on with them. But overall it’s a solid aesthetic, and it makes for a very intimidating Makuta build.

Nice one!


Brevity is a valuable tool for a busy man but I’ll indulge

To expound, I think the proportions of the legs are appropriate relative to the rest of the figure. I’ve seen some MoCs that make each segment of digitigrade legs a bit long, which is fine if that’s the style someone is going for, but if we’re approximating real world physiology then proportions are relevant, and yours feel quite natural.

There are some texture and finish consistencies I appreciate as well. The Metru legs, gears built into the knee, and skakdi minifig spines trailing from the feet all have a repeating ridge element that I think offers a degree of visual flow to the legs. Although the gears in the knee are of a centrifical structure rather than a linear one, I think it still works given their position in a point of the body where rotational movement would be commonplace; even though they aren’t part of a mechanism and are more decorative, I think visible gears in the joints is a nice touch that reminds us these beings are largely mechanical in nature, something I always favored in the earlier Bionicle designs.

I had mentioned the finish; what I meant was the contrast between matte and gloss. Most of the leg components have a gloss finish, but the Metru leg and CCBS accessory on the foot have a matte finish that, to me at least, indicates separate armor plates the Makuta added on to supplement her natural armor.

In particular, the thing I enjoyed the most about the leg design is the parts usage in the feet; namely the HF hands and CCBS shells. Most official Bionicle sets utilized dedicated parts for the feet, so whenever someone breaks that mold and makes their own design I appreciate it. Yours is simple, yet cohesive and effective, so I’d say that’s my favorite part overall.

Alright now that I’ve actually tried, everyone come like this post. Reward me


so is farming for Master :eye: :eye:

oh very well :face_exhaling:

…Imma be honest I think that’s more camera quality/piece condition (those Metru legs seem to be a bit dusty) than anything else, but it definitely does change the aesthetic

are we entering the community phase of smothering dust and grime on pieces to change their appearance? actually don’t answer that I don’t want to know


I recall saying not to answer that :dizzy_face:

well, at least it’ll make the purists look even better by contrast :smirk:


See if you smother it you deliberately modify it, and that’s not purist. This dust is a petina. It’s natural :sunglasses: (for real tho I don’t remember the last time I held a Metru leg in my hand so I’ll take your word for it)

I want my rightful place in the fave-giving trinity


Man, I’m glad you really like the legs. I honestly thought they were a pretty weak part of the build but that’s reassuring


All they need is upgrads in the future. Otherwise I say keep working at it. You have something here. :+1: