The Star Wars Battlefront Topic

I still think they need to increase the amount of credits you earn per match. Maybe a flat rate of 500 + a percentage of your overall score.

I have every character except for iden now. And I finished the campaign as well I thought it was too short but I like how much it called back to the Star Wars universe outside the movies.

Yeah, that’s certainly something that needs to happen. The most I think I’ve gotten per match is probably around 330, but it does start to add up over time when you play for four hours straight.

This is going to be me once I get the game.

Tfw you try and stop ppl from investigating how legal lootboxes and microtransactions are by removing yours temporarily but they keep talking about investigating it anyway

:weary: :weary: :weary:

God I love ironically using the ttv emojis, it gives me this sense of power I have never felt before.


Going to throw this out there, and it’s probably going to make some people mad. Oh well.

The reason I think so many people are accepting of this DLC stuff that happens with so many games now is because so many people, you know, don’t do a whole lot else with their time.

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they can just play other games lol

Well that’s part of my point. DLC pay to play crap would have been less accepted if people did things besides playing games.


If someone is so invested into playing video games they’re probably a lot more willing to play a mediocre pay to play shooter like this. If gaming is a serious hobby of yours (nothing wrong with that in of itself), you probably have played a lot of good, bad, and average games. Chances are, you’d probably invest at decent amount of time into this game, and many others before it. We’ve gotten to the point were pay to play is the norm now and people don’t question. Why? Because they still get to play a game.

On mobile, perhaps, but not on consoles. Some MTXs games can get away with (like Overwatch), but with BFII, clearly the idea of pay-to-play is not the norm on consoles, and the internet retaliated accordingly.

If anything, we might see a slight decrease in the amount of MTXs put into games for awhile, or they’ll be changed up a lot because of this game. When governments start talking about legislation because of something your game did, companies stop in their tracks momentarily.


Yeah, you convinced me on that one :stuck_out_tongue:. This was a huge win on the interent’s part and hopefully that’s a sign that this will decrease.

I will still stand by of the reasons pay-to-play has existed for as long as it has thus far though.

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So some new weapons leaked

So I have had a while to play this game because I preordered the deluxe edition, so let me state my opinions:

  • Progression:
    This is… odd. You don’t get many credits in the game (however I have experienced massive credit gains for seemingly no reason), and gaining ranks is very time-intensive.

  • Graphics:
    Amazing. Enough said.

  • Gameplay:
    Pretty good when compared with the first game. The redone cooldown system is definitely interesting. Blasters with high cooling power are great, but you can miss the yellow bar really fast. Blasters with low cooling power are also really good because you can hit the yellow bar very easily.
    Heroes are pretty good, but I find Leia, Lando, Palpatine, and Vader somewhat underwhelming.
    You may be confused as to why I mentioned Vader, but his force choke is… strange. How do you even deal damage? It tells you to press the right trigger, but that rarely does anything.
    Plus I hate Ion Disruptors. How in the heck are you supposed to fire them?

Overall, this game is really fun so far. It is satisfying to join a group of your friends and unleash maximum firepower on targets. I recommend this game, but just be warned of the quirks.


In a patch the other day, they added in a visualization showing extra credits you get once leveling up. So if you level up during a match, the end screen will show you the extra credits you earned.

They require time to lock on to targets. The sound and a bar at the top of the screen when aiming down the sight tells you when to fire.

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It took me all day, but I got the bearded gab skin.

Credit increase is live!

First trailer for The Last Jedi DLC is here.

Dang, Iden got old.

@prentice1215 did you see the info that came out of the recent datamining?

free for all players

Gotta thank the mouse for that one.