Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

“I don’t think there are that many bots here, but even if there were, we have the ships to hold everyone. Though I’d hope we wouldn’t have to worry about calling them in until after the fight’s over.”

“Now that’s just bad tactics right there. In a fight you want as many as possible involved.”

“You know, that’s a fair point. Though the Star Talons are anything but subtle. So if you wanted this to be quiet, it’s probably not gonna happen.”

“Who said I cared about quiet?” she said with a laugh. “Next time though, please, tell us before you make decisions like this, alright?”

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“Alright. I’ll be sure to. If I’m being honest I’ve never been in charge of anything before.”
Maximus said with an awkward shrug.
“Torchwing has always been the decision maker. So now that I’m spearheading this big revolution with so many moving parts, all these bots looking at me like I know what I’m doing… It’s not something I’m used to.”


Oddball’s space was small and cramped, cluttered with empty energon cubes, machinery bulging out of the walls, and miscellaneous bits of junk. There wasn’t much room for Jetfire.

Jetfire looked around inside. His obscenely wide shoulder wings preventing him from so much as walking in. Even when he tried to fold then down the best he could do was stick his head through the door.

“Yikes. You know, you could always just pick a cell? Even the ones in tier 3 are better than this.”

“Well, if you ever need help, or a at least some experienced advice, feel free to ask.”

She wrote down her next words very carefully, “What if I befriended you and then stabbed you in the back for my benefit?”

“Thanks. I would really appreciate that.”
Maximus said with a smile. Then his face lit up as he had an idea.
“Wait, you’ve been here a long time right? So you wouldn’t know a whole lot about the outside world?”

“I’m not holding you prisoner am I?”
Nebula pointed out.
“If it troubles you that much, we can spare whoever it is you talk to. But I’m sure you could understand how advantageous it would be to have someone on the inside.”

“Guards are just doing their jobs. If they were to help us they’d be in our boat and lose all connections to their friends. If we can take their leaders out maybe it’ll be better,” she wrote.

“I really think you’re giving these things more moral credit than they deserve. But I guess we won’t know for sure until you give it a try.”

“Nothing other than what I’ve acquired second hand.”

“Well I just so happen to know a lot of… Things. History, astronomy, mythology, you name it. I’ve been crazy about learning new stuff pretty much since I popped out of the Well of Allsparks. One of my best friends is even an old museum curator. So, if you ever have any questions about the outside, anything you would want to know, I can do my best to fill you in.”
He said with a cheerful smile.
“As a sort of, thanks.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have any sheet music locked away in that old head of yours?”

“Well, no. I have a personal music library I could share, but I don’t think that’s the same thing.”
Maximus said, notably embarrassed that first thing she asked about was one of the first things he never took much interest in.


She wrote down, “Maybe I am…but trying sounds like a good plan.”

“Alright. You could try now if you like, but waiting until morning might yield better results.”

She nodded, “Once they’ve woken up,” she wrote.

“Sounds good. In that case you might want to power down for the night. I’m going to stay here and wait for the rest of my team.”