Transformers: Tournament of Terror. RP Topic

“Are you kidding? Lockjaw is amazing. I know he’ll be more than happy to help.”
Maximus said cheerfully.

“Yeah. Funds for prison break vacation!” Tie-Grabber pauses. “What’s even used for currency these days anyhow?”

“Perhaps with the Vex technology, it could help solve the mass ■■■■■ conundrum and take less Energon. Then anyone could be any size without consequence.” Railgun tossed out, not really believing that idea but not entirely dismissing it.

Machbreaker just watches, taking his own mental notes. Though as this goes on, his mind wanders a bit. What happened to the body of the dead bulk? As grim as it may be, is his Spark still intact? There would be no better opporunity to mess with one to further potential knowledge on AllSpark construction.

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“I think they call it Shanix? But I’m not sure.”

“Could be interesting. But that’s assuming we can get enough of the stuff to reverse engineer it.”

The whereabouts of Steelkaw’s body were unknown. Likely thrown away with the trash.

Railfire decided to see what would happen if he exposed the sample to flame. He grabbed a weld torch and activated it, observing the most peculiar reaction. As soon as the open flame appeared near the container, the gas within began to rapidly flash through different colors, and press itself as far as it could on the side of the container farthest from the flame.

Railfire said.

Oddball shrugs, before transforming and rolling away.

Jetfire decided to get up and follow. He didn’t have much else to do, and wherever Oddball was going was probably better than sitting here and sulking.

“I mean, they can’t be all bad?” she wrote down.

“What possible reason would you have to think that? They hold us here against our will. They force the bulks to fight constantly. And they treat all of us like slag. Why would you think any of them aren’t all that bad?”

“I mean looking at our war,” she wrote down with a small embarassed shrug.

She thought for a moment.
“Yeah… I guess you have a point.”

She wrote more down, “Besides acting small and cute does help people not shoot at you.”

Starchaser looked mildly disgusted at that.
“While I won’t argue against such a strategy, I find it demoralizing. I wouldn’t be caught dead doing the cutesy defenseless act.”

She gave a voiceless laugh, and wrote down, “It does help when you don’t mind acting that way. I just prefer to act friendly, not much of a fighter myself.”

Oddball rolls back to his abode: a neglected storeroom branching off of the commons. He shifts to robot mode and looks behind him as Jetfire follows him.

“Yeah yeah… Actually, you know talking to them might not be a bad idea.”
Nebula said. A mischievous look on her face.

“Oh. This your place is it? I can uh… I can leave if ya want. Didn’t mean to intrude.”
He said apologetically.

Oddball shrugs indifferently.

Penicilla blinked and wrote something down, “What are you thinking of?”

“What if you befriended one of those glass faced scrap piles? You could get on the inside. You could spy for us!”

“Do Minicons not get paid then?” Tie-Grabber asks.

“Given escape is the primary objective, it would be unlikely to obtain enough. Unless, for some reason, it was decided to return to this planet.” Railgun said.

Afraid of fire, probably flammable? Maybe that made Iota extra angry? Machbreaker mentally shrugs, but if they don’t like fire, at least he had an attack advantage. Ish.

“Hell if I know. I mean back when I was working the most we got pain in was energon, shelter, protection, and something to do. But honestly anything’s possible after how long its been.”

“Yeah. Un-fricken-likely. As soon as we get off this rock the first thing I’m gonna do is delete as much of this place from my memory as I can.”

Railfire then opened the end and put the torch nozzle through. Moving quickly enough that none of the gas could escape.

“Now, vermin, let’s see how you handle this.”
The medic said with a noticeably malicious tone. This was honestly more cathartic than he would like to admit.

When he activated the welding torch, the gas let out a faint shriek. Within moments it began to disappear. It was strange. The gas didn’t appear flammable. The fire didn’t grow at all. Instead the gas seemed to break down when exposed to the intense heat.

“Alright. If you don’t mind, I guess I’ll stay.”
Jetfire said. Looking for a place he could sit.

“Are you sure you have enough space to carry hundreds to thousands of bots at once? Especially in the midst of a fight?”