Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“Huh. That was weird.”
Maximus said.

“I don’t like where this is going.”
Axis said, looking out a viewport.

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“I’ll hazard a guess that we’re entering the nexus point now,” Beta Maxx offers as explanation.

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“The what?”
Maximus asked in confusion.

“Oh, you don’t know about that, do you?” Beta Maxx supposes. “Aevum exists in a multiversal convergence point. Several realities intersect here, and it’s possible to observe and have limited interaction with all of them.”

“Naturally, the fabric of spacetime is rather… wonky here, for lack of a better word, however the people of Aevum have been able to keep things relatively stable, for the most part.”

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Whetstone walked in. “Hey, any of you guys need a weapon tune-up?”

“Great. Of courses Vector Prime would pick a planet that sat right in the middle of a transdimentional super highway.”
Axis said, half in frustration and half in amusement.

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Beta Maxx chuckles.

“I remember when he first stumbled across it… you will never see a bot quite so ecstatic as he was.”

“Wait, you understood all that slag?” Bootleg asks Axis.

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“Most of it. I guess having talked to him helped.”
Axis said casually.

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“An’ that somehow doesn’t surprise me at all. Helluva month it’s been, eh?”

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Firestorm gets out of sleep mode and disconnects his Transtector. Having everything fully recharged, he decides to go to the armory to see what can be done and if he could grab the Tryptich Mask to see if there was an Onyx Prime room hiding in the ship.

The first thing he noticed when he activated the vehicle was that some of the instruments were having fits, “We must be getting close to Aevum.” He guessed.

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The Triptych Mask was currently not in use, thus available.

If one were to, on a whim, peer out a viewport on the Excalibur’s port side, they might spy the silhouette of another spacecraft flying parallel to them, although very far off.

Two things would immediately strike the more savvy of our heroes as odd. The first was that it was exceedingly rare (so rare, in fact, as to be largely considered near-impossible) for two ships in Transwarp to be in the same “phase”, and thus able to see each other. The second was the ship’s design: those who knew their Great War history would recognize the overall silhouette of a Decepticon Fleetcarrier, however it bore the more subdued and utilitarian design aesthetic of the Autobots, rather than the intimidating and angular motifs preferred by the Decepticons.

Those who were yet knowledgeable still might even go as far as to guess the ship’s name; the unusual marriage of Autobot and Decepticon craftsmanship was rather reminiscent of a certain CFC Salvation, a warship built near the end of the Great War, and decommissioned a little over nineteen million years ago, currently resting upon the surface of the organic world at the heart of the Gigantion megacity…


Firestorm was definitely picking that up on his sensors, “Okay, and we have a ghost ship flying with us.” Dark said.

“Definitely space-time distortions.” Firestorm said, remembering Vector Prime talking about these kinds of things in astrosciences lectures. One joke among the Knights when they thought the Prime wasn’t paying attention was to flip a coin and the result gave folks the idea of if the lecture subject matter was fact or theory. He was definitely thinking, more believing, that a lot more of what he learned were facts rather than theories.

His Transtector’s foot touches the orb and he picks it up, examining it.

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On the contrary, both Firestorm’s equipment, and that of the Excalibur and Teletran Iota, seemed to be having difficulty deciding if there was in, fact, another ship keeping pace with our heroes. Yet unless the eyes of our heroes were playing tricks, it certainly seemed as though the ghost of Salvation cruised beside the modern Excalibur.

The orb was a simple data storage device, by Golden Age standards.

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The scopes freaking out like they did was why Dark called it a ghost ship, because it blipped in and out of all forms of detection like a ghost.

“Adding that to the list of weird crap we’ve seen in our lives.” Dark said, figuring what Firestorm’s response would be and the fact he seemed occupied with the data storage device, as he pulled a book from the shelf and turned to a writing desk that was not there earlier. The book was part of a long series, volume 250 was in Dark’s hand as he turned to a blank page and entered in the memory of the ‘ghost ship’ to the ever growing list.

Firestorm tries accessing the data storage device. (Can I just assume he sees the designs and gets an idea?)

Firestorm was able to access the device.

“Alright this is fragging weird!”
Maximus exclaimed.

“Is there any chance we’ll hit that?”
Axis said pointing to the other ship.

A three-note chime is heard.

“Minimal probability of collision estimated, crewwoman Axis,” reports Teletraan Iota.

From the bridge, Daybreak and Nightfall observe the phenomenon. They could assume it likely had something to do with the nature of the nexus point, but still… seeing the “ghost” of a long-gone battleship was eery under any circumstance.

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“Alright. I don’t like anything about this. How long until we land?”
Axis asked, clearly agitated.

“Estimated time of arrival: three minutes… five minutes… two-point-five seconds… three-point-two-four-hours…nine-nine-nine-nine-nine…”

Teletraan Iota drones on for another half-minute before going silent.

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“That is not a good sign.”
Axis said nervously.

“Alright. This is fine. We’re only lost in a transdimensional warp space tunnel, isolated in both time and space, where quite literally anything possible could happen. Nothing to worry about!”
Axis tried to calm herself and rationalize the situation, to little success.