Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

Asrar chuckles,
“So that’s the deal. Those undead aren’t as strong as one might make of them, it’s either your people aren’t as strong as they were before or the undead are quite effective against you.”

Soundrange hold his head with his hands and breathes.

Windstripe is quite shocked from the storm, it after the recent events it almost becomes expected. That just might be from him being tired though.

“Individually, they’re pushovers, yes,” the guard affirms, “but I guess that’s why they attack in large groups.”

“That, and we aren’t as strong as Predacons,” another adds.

Windstripe would soon exit the gale.

Seraphicon began to head to the kitchen to see what he had to work with on meal preparation.

There was a great variety of traditional Cybertronian beverages, as well as Energon rations and foodstuffs for techno-organic cybertronians.

OOC: are there any techno-organics in the group?

The mircromasters continued exploring, maké in front boldly, with shifter behind him more cautious

OOC: we have three techno-organics in the main cast currently: Daybreak, Nightfall, and Asrar.


Their duocon escort follows.

Maké’s lights flash to shifter and she giggled before nodding

“Who is you strongest warrior? I wish to meet that warrior. I met a cybertronian like you, his name was Soundrange. He did more damage to the being with the Dark Saber than I did. He stabbed a sonic blade into him. I admire his bravery, though I believe he is just like you two. He too fought his way to the being with the Dark Saber, fighting through the undead.”
Asrar continues,
“Don’t assume that being a different class determines you greatness in war. Any being can become the Ace of his army, though few try. You should put more effort and use your resources properly. That said the next time you meet me may be your last. I would go soon.”
Asrar walks away,
“We only made that being angry and couldn’t get a fatal blow in.”

Windstripe exits the storm, flying out at high speeeds. He says to himself,
“Never again am I flying through a storm.”

OOC: Im going to eat food. BRB


OOC: thanks.

IC: (@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister as well) “So, what’s everyone hungry for?” Seraphicon asks as he gets ready to start cooking.

OOC:I have a feeling a couple of Ace’s characters are up to some form of mischief.

The guards watch Asrar leave.

The duocon raises an eyebrow.

“I’ll take a shot of Engex, please,” the secretary requests.

He looks at Refuse for approval on that.

Refuse shrugs, as if to say “sure, go for it.”

They raced past the next hallway

The duocon sprints after them.

Seraphicon poured the secretary a shot of Engex and handed it to them.

When the duocon entered the hallway the two were seemingly gone

The secretary thanks Seraphicon.

The Matrix continues to feel cold and heavy in whatever compartment the Angelicon was hiding it in.

The duocon deploys a stasis beam, reporting to her comrades that she had lost the micromasters.

They quietly laigh as they hide

The exits to the palace are sealed as the duocon begins to look behind the displays of Refuse’s odds and ends.