Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age

The two entered on the hallway where their rooms were.

@MichaelTheLightBringer After he read them, the guard looked at the two.
“Do you realize that this is a private landing spot?”

Gorge was clearly couldn’t handle another drink, while Rupture seemed unaffected.

Dynamo sipped some more Nightmare fuel, hoping that rupture would in turn follow.

Jade: “Yes I do realize that his is a private landing spot, if you would kindly tell me where, the public landing spot is, I will move my ship immediately”

He follows quietly.

Rupture takes another sip.

“So, what do you guys like to do?” He asked before drinking some more.

“Raze cities, topple civilizations, destroy planets,” Rupture casually lists, “that sort of thing.”

“Which one of you is better at it?”

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“I am,” Gorge claims. “Obviously.”

“No, I’m pretty sure I am,” challenges Rupture.


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OOC: Hey, can we hold off for a few hours then?

“We don’t have any public landing spot, ma’am.” The tripleformer said. “This is a private building. Which brings up question number two: what are you doing here?”

He opened the door of his room, which was next to Seraphicon’s.

Jade: “Like I have told you, Im here to visit a friend of mine Hecate”

The guard turned to face a techno-organic. The two nodded and the second bot left, turning his comms on.
“We’ll see about that. Can you tell me why you landed here if you knew that this place is private?”

Jade: “Well first off I didnt know this was a private landing place, and if I disturbed from your job im sorry, we will leave now”

The guards sighed, a little irritated and annoyed. The techno-organic returned.
“She’s telling the truth, sir.”
“Thanks. You and one more show them the way to Hecate’s office.”
“Sir yes sir!”
He and an Insecticon approached by Jade and Voltex, riffle in hands.
“Follow us.” the techno-organic said.

Voltex and Jade followed them

They took the elevator to the floor where their office was. Once the doors of the elevator opened, they would see a very nice, very clean hallway of pure white, with different doors on each side, and with a few screens on the walls. All of the screens were representing a woman, dressed in black, saying on and on:
“Here at DroneMax Industries, we are dreaming of doing more than new generations of drones. Here we are making the future.”
And so on.

Voltex said to his sister “This guy copied me…well I didnt care to make an entrance just plain and simple”

Jade interrupted him “It doesnt matter now, we know what we are, and why we are one of the best, just try to make a good impression okay ?”

Voltex nodded his head

Before they could arrive at the door, the lady said.
“… and this is why DronwMax Industry is the best at what its doing. Because we care about what our customers think, feel and believe. Have a nice day.”
The two smirked when they heard the unwanted response from the screens.
“We are here.” The Insecticon said, leaving them in front of a door with ‘private’ wrote on it. The two then left.