Viper's/Phweffie's AMA


Honestly, yeah! That one is hysterical! It’s most likely the only time Squidward was happy at the end of an episode! Anyway, let’s get to more of them! :stuck_out_tongue:

Three questions this time!

  1. What’s your favorite Marvel film? (Probably been asked before! :laughing:)

  2. What’s your favorite type of dinosaur?

  3. What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Oh yeah, and one more that’s probably more your speed.

  1. Who’s your favorite incarnation of the Doctor?
    (David Tennant is mine!)

What is your opinion on math(s)?

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I loved the first Iron man and Captain America The Winter Soldier.

The Liopleurodon. A massive apex predator in what Europe was back then that could grow up to 25 metres long. The Ankylosaurus is my second favourite.

What do you mean, African or European swallow?

Christopher Eccelston, however David Tennant is my second favourite.

It is a useful subject to learn. However, not too good at it myself. I was quite good at algebra for some reason. I think dealing with amounts confuses me a bit. XD


Yeah! Personally, the Liopleurodon is one of my favorites, too! I originally learned about it on some documentary, and then read about it. As soon as I learned that something could eat a Tyrannosaurus Rex, I was intrigued at a young age! It’s just stuck with me since then! I’ve always considered it to be OP in everything I’ve done, though! :laughing:

Question time!

What’s your favorite superhero from anything?

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If you could live in any fantasy universe, where would you choose and why?

Umm, Liopleurodon isn’t a dinosaur. They’re pliosaurs, a relative of the plesiosaurs. Wich are related to but aren’t true dinosaurs




JK, it lived in the same time period as them, and it was a large predator, so I suppose it is a pleasable answer.

Okay rapid fire go!
Star Wars or Star Trek?
2 pet peeves
See a Musical or play?
Dream vacation?
Favourite author?
Have you seen inside out?
If so did you like it?
If not what is (or was) your opinion on it?
And I am done! Your still the best host! :smile:

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What’s your favorite Shakespeare play, if you have one?

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17+(31-8) days ago, I said there was no snow. For those too lazy, the expression is equal to 40.

We just got snow. And it’s almost like the gif shows: Our first snow is a blizzard.

Your opinions on snow.
Does it even?
Do you even snow?



Bird flew away, tempurature dropped relitavely quickly while it was still raining, so it started to snow.
It turned into a blizzard.

Now, let’s stop discussing winter.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, or Starcraft?


[quote=“Viper, post:331, topic:7086”]
What do you mean, African or European swallow?

Why did I even…

Do you like any song by Kendrick Lamar?

Have you heard of Ignition (Remix) by R. Kelly, cause most of my class doesn’t for some reason?

Favorite bat vehicle; Tumbler, Batpod, or The Bat?

Do you watch Arrow or Flash?


It needs sound :stuck_out_tongue:


If you could join any organization within the Matoran Universe, which would it be and why?

What was the saddest moment for you in the BIONICLE story?

I like good old Spider-man and Ghost Rider.

I kinda want to live in the Mass Effect universe, but not during the reaper problem, that would be unpleasant. Mass effect is like my sci-fi dream, all the tecnology, space travelling, meeting alien races something that might never happen, let alone in my lifetime.
Skyrim too, just wandering around with a group of travellers, fighting. I’d probably chill with the companions, I always enjoy working with them.
Bionicle would be kinda neat universe to live in too. I would end up travelling in that universe too. Also, as long as my body isn’t destroyed, I can come back when I die. : D
A lot of games I play are very miserable. I’ve never wanted to live in Dark Souls or Gears of War. XD

Which : P
In that case the Ankylosaurus is my favourite dinosaur.

Star Wars.

Overly loud people and relationship, “girls be like” and “I seeing my ex’s new bf/gf” posts and anything stupid like that on social media. Or the “You don’t deserve me at my best when you cant deal with me at my worst” post that I see in every visit to Facebook. -__-

We will Rock you musical and a lot of pantomimes.

A holiday with all my family and or friends.

George RR Martin. I read hardly no books, but I like his narratives, how he brings emotion to characters differently and his opinion on morale in characters and just people in general is very similar to mine. Definitely someone I look up to.
Also Greg is someone who inspired me to focus on characters and how dialogue can really make a book enjoyable.


Mostly yes. I liked the idea, The whole falling apart in her head thing its a very interesting metaphor because it does feel like that at that age and situation, talking from experience. You lose parts of yourself that you will never get back and that was one of the best parts about it. I saw it as a con at first because it was kinda predictable, but the reason it was so predictable is because it brought back similar memories.
I watched it with my dad and my step-mum and they hated it. They said it was too depressing for a kids film and that they wouldn’t understand it and I agree with the understanding part. There is a lot of metaphorical things in there that kids won’t pick up. Whole scenes in fact. A lot of people say that adds layers to the film, I can see that, but personally I would’ve found it boring as a kid because its a very static narrative on the outside of her head.
Kind of a pet peeve, but a lot of the jokes fell flat too, I did not find them funny too much. Sadness and fear are probably my favourite because they made me laugh the most.
So, its not something I would watch over and over but was a very emotional movie for me and the moments in the film held more weight than most Pixar films.

MacBeth, that play is brutal. I took a lot of inspiration from Lady MacBeth and her overwhelming guilt and downward spiral into madness.

I love snow.

Yes it does, surprisingly.

I Jon Snow! : P

Star Wars again.

I’ve seen him amongst my older brothers music, I don’t think I’ve listened to it and known.

Indeed I have, its like the iconic song for R&B over here or something.

The Bat Pod for sure.

The Voya Nui resistance team. There’s something about running and hiding from a oppressive force that sounds very exciting to me. I always like standing for the underdog in conflict too.

The last couple years of Bionicle. : P


Why Viper? Why not Python, or Cobra?

What’s your favorite Pokémon?

How does a TTV comic series sound?

What do you think of this? :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a quick drawing of the joke from the Web of Shadows Anniversary Special!