What Grinds Your Gears?

My gym teacher.


pfffft non homeschooler NERDS


Teachers you say? I have a pretty nice list. There is:

  • The religion teacher, who belives every conspiracy theory like “covid is fake” and “vaccines are evil”

  • painting teacher, who also belives every conspiracy like “covid is fake” “vaccines are evil” and the new one “the covid test is toxic”

  • last year english teacher, whos pronounciation was the worst i had ever heard, she didn’t know how to teach, she was the most idiotic person ever. She also dressed horribly, so bad that even I knew she dressed like crap

  • last year’s history teacher. Some kind of demon with high pitched voice and oily and long black hair. She was evil

  • my middle school technology teacher. He was peculiar let’s say. Not an horrible teacher, he was fun sometimes but he was really strict.

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One Word:

They are loud, annoying and stupid


last year I helped the theatre club as an assistant in my old middle school, when I came home I always had an incredible headache, 11 to 12 year olds are the worst. of next year I go to help the theatre club again I will ask for the 14 yo

ohhh so no wonder you don’t like me

Sadly you gonna have some of your own someday.

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mayyybe …

Slurping. Yes, I’m asian, I get that there are some cultures where that is the norm, but like … when my brother comes in with his cup of coffee and he just goes SLffffFFLP I just can’t take it.


good thing you don’t have my job then!

Currently, people that refuse to move on from a past relationship. I don’t think it’s something that all of them can necessarily help, but it is the last thing I nearly chewed someone out on at a scale that the oldest boards users will remember, as I’m aware of the negative effects it had on me.

sad noises


Nice. Just remember that you were once a child as well (if you aren’t one now)

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check the census

Nope, I won’t have any…

I know and I don’t care. Being a child once doesn’t mean I should have a child.

I think what he was meaning is you were once a child so be patient with children.

Most new Lego sets grind my gears. The juniorised Lego city sets, lack of original themes and polar opposite expensive sets are scarring me, has Lego forgotten about its financial crisis?

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Yeah I’ve realized recently that the things that tick me off about my siblings/other younger children are the exact things I used to do.



It really grinds my gears.

Nothing off the top of my head that grinds my gears too badly… I do get irritated by a fair bit of stuff but rarely to the extent that I’m furious over it.

Except anime.

If anime were a car I’d drive it into a lake.


Why tho lol

From what I watched, it isn’t bad


Well now that the topic has been revived…

Something that recently has ground my gears is whenever someone says “I’m a good person”.

Being a “good person” ought to be something other people see and say about you. Notwithstanding that people usually say it before talking about something they did or thought that’s not good.


I would never say anything like that, because I am a good person.


Your death shall be swift and full of broken kneecaps.