What makes you play better?

Dang man, William Shatner just entered the comments section. No offense.

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Eh whatever.

Anyway this method has worked out for me pretty well, as of the moment I am trying to beat H5’s legendary campaign, and like others have done it I’m trying to do so too.

Having ingested so much Caffeine that I can taste colours


I’m laughing my butt off just at the TV, man.


I guess having a smaller keyboard helps, as well as headphones to block out outside noise.

Other than that, I still suck at video games.

believing in myself?
does this count?

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but do you believe in the heart of the cards?

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For playing music, it’s having not just listened to hard rock lol. (I only play drums)

For video games, music (I’ll link my Spotify playlist later), and being focused but not tense. Though video games is usually what I do to blow off steam so I do sometimes go into it salty