What's going on in your life?

Ranking in schools are still a thing? :confused:

So small, where did you go to school?

I’m dead inside.

Well I’ve been in all types of schools, from virginia, to mexico to arizona. This was just a few years ago btw, I don’t know what’s my rank hue

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Well let’s see-I have to take a math test tomorrow. That’s about it. My life is pretty boring, to be honest.

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I have a karate tournament in about a week.



Well quick little update with what’s going on with me. Just got back from the gym first day of doing legs again which means RIP legs. So the next couple of days are going to suck, also when I got home a stray cat came out of no where and attacked me. I now have deep scratches on my right leg that’s a great way to end the day. :cold_sweat:


Update on mine:
So tomorrow ishistory test, the subject I’m absolutely the WORST. Since so many projects, tournaments conetsts blah blah blah has being going on I didn’t have time to start my study guide which is obligatory for the test to be valid. So I’m going to have to pull an all nigheter today! Yay hurrayz!

kill me


That really sucks this is going to be one really long night for you good luck.:+1:


What is sec 5 if I may ask? I know dumb question but is that like freshman, sophmore? Or am I confusing highschool with college? Hue…

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Oh I see…so you’re 17-18 I believe? Anyway enough you more me =P

So after yesterday’s stress now I gotta make a two week project today for tomorrow yay! Not too hard really but man, I suck at schedules.

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Well it can’t get any worse than that. You just have to power through it.

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hockey practice

On the bright side I’m not doing anything in class right now cause I exempted most of my subjects heh heh.

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I can relate I don’t have anything to do at work right now it’s been a slow day. Even though I am the boss I really should be going over our sales but that can wait until later.:sweat_smile:

I really need to get back to work but I’m tired ugh. :fearful:

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Woah “supposedly” that’s interesting are you not 17 then.

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