2059: The superhero revolution (RP topic)

“Whatever.” Black Hood muttered closing his eyes.

Nexus flew through the city. “Where is that bug,” he asked himself searching around.

“Maybe, well your’s looks cool,” Bruce said smiling.

GrimBlade walked through New Evo City. He glanced up and saw Nexus, put paid him no mind. He continued walking.

Katrina smiled. “Thanks. Yours is great, too!”

Nexus at some point found Spider-Man sitting on the edge of the building eating a sandwich.
“There you are!” he yelled throwing a huge fireball at Spider-Man.

Bruce gave her an air kiss, he walked over to his bag and pulled his phone.
“I gotta take a picture of this,” he said smiling.

Katrina grinned. “Make sure to get my good side.” She joked.

“Sure do.” Bruce said as he did so, he then tried to make a photo with himself in the front besides Katrina and in the back were the Sand Castles.

“I should totally be a photographer.” he said, showing her the pictures.

Katrina nodded.
“Those are some good pictures.” She smiled.

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“Why, thank you!” Bruce said, kissing her chick.

Spider-Man saw the fireball thanks to his spider-sense and jumps out of the way.
“Oh the fire fire guy,” he said webbing around.

“Name’s Nexus!” he told him, charging after him.

Katrina blushed a bit and smiled again.
“So what now?”

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“Well,” he said walking to his chair and sits on it. “You can read me that bock and enjoy the sun, or we can go home and smooch around,” he said the last part jokingly as he smiled.

“Why are you after me, fire fire guy?” Spider-Man asked web shooting Nexus to the face which caused Nexus to yell in anger.

“Shut up!” Nexus yelled releasing a fire wave.

Katrina flopped into her chair.
“Enjoying the sun sounds nice.”

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“Oh so no smooching around.” he said folding his arms, teasingly, hiding behind his intentions a grim.

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“Well… we can do that anytime.” Katrina said, a wry smile on her face.

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“Well, here in public, what if someone is looking?” he asked. “I mean, I am not that confident…” he started to lie…

Spider-Man’s web cut off because of the fire and started to fall fast.

“Really?” Katrina asked.
“You seemed plenty confident at the apartment.” She teased.

“Oh so you are confident huh? I remember you told me something different about such things be done in public, the heck happened to you?” he asked teasingly.

“I never said we should make out in public.” She corrected teasingly.

“Yes you did, you just said it like right now.” Bruce said teasingly.

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Katrina blinked.
“Hey! You made me say that on purpose, didn’t you?” She teased.

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Bruce raised his eyebrows smirking as he shrugged.
“And I can believe you felt for that.” he said teasingly

Katrina smiled.
“That was clever.”