Arcana: the downfall

Lidwig was searching through the town in search for a place to sell it.

Mokuzai glances at him and sighs. So you’re going to ask someone for their stuff.

Edward runs up to him on four mechanical legs.
“Hey! Can I use this?”
He asked, pointing to the cow.

“Will do.” He said. “Hey, could you possibly fight me, so that I can get used to it in a battle scenario? I’ll find a way to cover the blade.” He asked.

Frostvin dropped into a ready stance and formed a flail from ice, although the spikes were dulled. “You first.”

Saras unwraps the bandana from his face and wraps it around the blade of the Hook’s chain. He takes his shield from his back and starts swinging the chain in front of him in a figure-8 pattern, slowly approaching Frostvin.

Frostvin swing his flail twice and flings it at Saras.

Saras whips his chain at the flail, trying to entangle it, and throws the weight behind and away from him, coming at Frostvin with an attempted shield bash.

Lidwig shrugs and brushes him off. “No. I’m selling it.”

“I could pay you.”
Edward reaches into a pocket in his cost and pulls out a fist full of gold pieces.

Lihem leans up against a nearby wall and enjoys the fight. “I fight winner!” He said, half jokingly.

The flail shatters, and Frostvin twists out of the way of the shield. He forms another flail and starts swinging it, before launching it at Sara’s again.

Saras attempts to block with his shield, before swinging the chain down at Frostvin.

Frostvin catches the blade between his bass and let’s it fall, before forming a mace and swinging it at the shield.

Saras rolls to the side and pushes off the ground towards him, the chain disappearing, and comes it to attempt to hit near his throat or collarbone with the top of the Hook itself.

He squints and shrugs. “Eh sure. Take it.” He hands the reigns to it to Edward.

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“Thank you.”
He said, handing over the gold.

“Now to find a place to get some saddle bags.”
Edward looked around the village, hoping to find a shop where he could find bags for his new cow.


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Frostvin freezes the hook, weighing it down. He steps back and gently knocks Saras’ arm away.

Perhaps the inn might have something of the sort

He uses the momentum to spin around, trying to bring his the Hook down on top of Frostvin’s head.

Edward walked to the inn. He tied the new cow to a post outside and instructed Beta to watch it. He then went in, Alpha by his side.
