If You Were A Matoran

Ooh… You mean Koronan?


I’ll be a No-Matoran.
My element is “Nope”
My job is to deny.


No, thats my job


I’m a Le-Matoran. I’m agile yet clumsy, and when I speak, I confuse people.

I think I will change mine to a Matoran of stone, whom is an adventurer, and a great carfer.

I would be a Onu-matoran. As the past is my teacher and I firmly think that the past is what we should be looking into to discover our future and as for the island it would be Metru Nui as I would love to have a job at a museum which is the largest in the matoran universe.


In an earlier post, I said I’d be a Ta-Matoran. Seeing as my Self-Moc is a Toa of Light, that’s been changed to an Av-Matoran Historian (I love studying history) living in the Ta-Region of some island.


Bo-Matoran, probably running a greenhouse in Metru-Nui or something, OR Onu-Matoran archivist.

If i was a matron it would be a ta-matoran and i’d forge mask and i would be on the island of metru nui…Wait a minute that should like Vakama…



Mask maker in Ta Metru. Competing with Vakama.

I’d probably be a Le-Matoran, because of all the awesome technology in Le-Metru. (For whatever reason the test track was always my favorite part of Le-Metru. And chutes. Thought-engineering ftw)

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I would be a Le-Matoran chillaxin on Mata Nui

i would see my self as a ice toa like matoro but ill be a ta-matoran on metru nui crafting masks

I would be a Po-matoran on Voya-nui.

i think its dangerus to be a matoran on voya nui

After the piraka were gone it wouldnt be.

judging by ur pic you look liike u belong in mahri nui or the pit looking for the mask of life

I would either a Le-matoran flying in the gukko force, or a Po-matoran explorer.
Both of those just sound fun.

ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ I’d be a Shadow Matoran, because the “Great” Beings somehow thought that I would appreciate them (indirectly) turning my Brother into a Bohrok!(゜◇゜)

So yes, I suppose I would’ve had to find a friendly neighbourhood sociopathic Makuta, but hey; it was worth it.

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