Majestic League (RP topic)

Mark noticed Sadie, and rushed over to her. “Hey, what happened? Are you okay?” He asked, holding onto Sadie to support her.

“Stray bullet but I’m ok.” She held her shoulder. “What about you?” She asked, hoping he wasn’t hurt.

“I’m fi-” suddenly, Mark was clocked in the face by a mercenary, who then bashed him in the chest. The cracking of ribs were heard as Mark fell to the ground, groanning.

Hydron stayed behind the Gamemaster smiling " Oh, my hero, what happened? She chuckled at Mark

Sadie stabbed the guy, throwing his lifeless body over in hydrons direction as she helped mark up.

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“Thanks.” Mark muttered, clutching his chest. “I think I broke something…” He then popped his bones back into alignment, shouting in pain.

“I’ll get us out of here.” She broke a nearby light, using the darkness to get outside the building with him. “I’ll help you.” She wrapped his wound, her shoulder still hurting but she didn’t care right now.

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Mark groaned louder as Sadie wrapped him, touching the tender spots of his injurues. He clenched his fist on the brick wall, causing it to crack and crumble from his strength. Mark breathed heavily through gritted teeth. “Oh god, it hurts so much…” He groaned. He grabbed Sadie to keep himself anchored in reality. “Help me…”

In all the commotion, Scrapper was quite enjoying himself. Mayhem, chaos. All the things he was best at doing. But then he saw Mark. No one should be leaving the ball - all the fun they’d be missing! So, as his arm formed back into a plasma cannon, he thought to himself “That’s just not right. Oh well, he didn’t have much of a life anyway.” And then he took the shot.

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Hydron heated himself and his whole costume melted, revealing his hot body “ENOUGH!!” He shouted now in the normal robot voice "People are not always what they seem to be… He said toward Mark “and now I know everything about you!”

Jacob has been using his powers to keep mercenaries from firing at him and to get everyone to move out of his way as he rushes to the nearest exit.

Welp, this was a bust.

as the CoI sees the plasma canon form and charge, he forms 2 walls of ice, one blocking the shot, and one slamming scrapper into a wall
“ah…ahh…ahh…” he says while back-handing a mercenary with his free hand
“mark get somewhere safe, i’ll hold them off, but i dont think i’ll last for long so get going. someone help him(@Khalsa721)”

“No, you’ll not!” Hydron said and shot towards the Col, than targeting again on Mark

the CoI dodges, then pushes mark out of the way with an ice pillar

Hydron got up his blades and heated them “I always liked melting stuff”

“really, how bout’ when you’re crushed?” The CoI says as he slams hydron with a block of ice into a wall

Hydron was slammed into the wall by the CoI

OOC:do you understand the concept of force,momentum,and heat transfer?
even if you’re hot you’d still get hit very hard by the block, the heat you’d need to melt a block of ice instantly is incredibly high hotter than lava.
IC:the CoI tries to see what happened to Hydron through a mist of steam

OOC: edited

IC: Hydron slowly made his way thoriugh the block melting it centimeter by centimeter and getting out “You and your stupid ice” He said activating the core power toward CoI

“oh my, what is that?!”