Okotan Adventures: Spider Saga

No doubt Blaze would feel the burning cold and the electricity radiating off the axe as it whizzed by, barely missing him, instead carving a trench into the ground past him and sending ice spikes forming up around it.

“Idiot.” The Storm spat. “Every citizen in Okoto could stand his ground like a true hero, but even you are attacking and then running.”

“I, however-” He said, suddenly whipping around and shooting his arm between Hitora’s oncoming fists and attempts to grab his throat. “Never run from a fight.”

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Dakron ran towards the commotion. “What? Where are you going?” Streke complained. Dakron gestured towards the commotion and signed an explanation. “Commotion? What? Something big? What on Okoto are you going on about?”
Dakron shook his head and continued running.

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Atlas turns around. “Wait a minute, you two look familiar.” Atlas grabs his hammer. “I can’t quite remember why, but I’m pretty sure you don’t want to destroy Okoto.”


It’d hit, and daze him for a split second. He then slammed his hands together full force right at Storm’s wrist, trying to make him let go.

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Blaze narrowly dodges the ice spikes that erupted from around the trench.

“I’m trying to protect the island.” Blaze said to Atlas as he tried to get closer, “with, honestly, mixed results.”

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“In that case, we share a common goal.” Atlas says before attempting to attack The Storm with his hammer.


The man in his strange garb would walk into the city and see the fight. “Hm? What is this going on?” He asks in a strange accent.

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Dakron arrived at the scene. Streke ran up behind. “Holy cow.”
Dakron signed for an explanation. “Um… there’s an ice guy who’s attacking- oh, there’s Blaze!”
Streke and Dakron ran over to Blaze. “Need some help?” Streke offered.


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The man nods, his strange horned mask no doubt being an odd sight as it went along with the motion of his head. “Oh, okay. Is there anything else going on?”

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Blaze gives them a “don’t do it” look. The Storm is practically on the same league as the Toa in terms of power.

“I’d rather you find a safe place to hide; this guy is practically the Ice Element incarnate and embodied.” He told them as he brought out his shield.

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Dakron had no clue of the look. He pulled out his scythe and shield.
Streke sighed. “Hey, we can handle this. We’re not totally incompetent at everything.”
He unsheathed his sword. “Besides, I can’t make Dakron go anywhere else. For a blind guy, he’s awfully persistent.”
Dakron waved off Streke. It was clear that he wanted to help Blaze.

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OOC:[quote=“meepinater, post:782, topic:47931”]
For a blind guy, he’s awfully persistent.

If he’s blind how does sign language work


The Storm’s wrist twisted under the impact, with a cry of pain from its owner. Hitora was let go, and the Storm teleported halfway up the stairs of the forge, exhausting all the remaining lightning power in his axe by doing so.

“I’m through toying around!” The Storm announced, raising his axe into the air. “Thanks to you, child of fire, your city will pay for attacking an elemental god!!


“For goodness sake!” He said, “Your stubbornness is going to get you into trouble.” Blaze tried to stop them.

“This guy is basically in the same league, in terms of abilities and overall being, as The Toa themselves.” He told them.

“Lord of The Undying Storm.” Blaze said, “Spare these innocents and let us take this elsewhere; they have done you no wrong and your beef seems to be with me so, I ask that we take this someplace where it can be just us and those that elect to follow knowing the risks.”

He wanted to take this somewhere that would not put any more lives in needless risk. He felt it was better he be the only one to suffer than to watch the entire island suffer for his action.

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Now, Keya could see a clear shot, she lined up her scope, ready to fire right at his neck.

Hitora gasped for breath, then looked up at him, ready to go after.

The man now saw the elemental he’d been told about, his eyes going wide. Storm. He thought, the word dripping with rage. He threw off his small ragged cloak, revealing his strange form: Not only his horned mask, but his multitone, overgrown armor, his hulking left arm, disproportionately muscular to the rest, and his entirely skeletal right arm. “Storm!” He called. “You will pay for that which you have done to my people!” He draws his staff, a gnarled, burnt piece of wood topped with a steel blade, and some strange potion from his pack. He ran up the steps, heading towards Storm.


“IDIOT.” He snarled. “You’re the reason this city is going to suffer - reap the consequences of your actions!!”

He hurled his axe down the stairs in a line towards the base of them at full force. If the strange newcomer didn’t move, he’d be two frozen slabs of meat.

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“Not a very just deity if an entire city suffers because of just one man trying to protect it and his own master.” Blaze said as he tried to intercept the axe with his shield, which was glowing with heat as the Fire Infusion kicked in.

“If anyone is to suffer because of what I do, it should be only me.” He said. “I wouldn’t live with myself if I caused others pain because of something I had full control over.”

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He threw the potion to the floor, and strange large crystals grew where it landed, creating an unnatural natural barrier between him and the axe. He then went around it and continued up the steps.

Hitora watched him and his strange feats, jaw hanging open.

Keya lined up her shot and took a long, slow deep breath, before pulling the trigger.

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The axe bounced off the barrier, and plummeted towards Blaze from above.

The Storm hissed. Yet another troublemaker had shown up! His life would never cease to be battered by imbeciles.

“I was about to leave this city,” He shouted towards Blaze as the axe was about to collide. “But you’ve decided to test my temper - now you’ll pay for it, and this whole rotted city too!”

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Dakron suddenly moved into action. He stepped in front of Blaze and twirled his scythe, hooking the axe and deflecting it. He raised his shield.

Streke shrugged. “Yeah, I know, Blaze. I’m sorry, but Dakron isn’t moving. I can’t leave him! I mean, how would you feel leaving a blind guy to face a really tough fellow.”

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“You said it yourself: I tested your temper.” Blaze said as he braced for the impact.

“Let justice have me and only me to be held accountable for my slight against you and face your wrath in the stead of the City.” He told The Storm. “But, I will not go down with out fighting to protect my people.”

“For the love of Mata Nui!” Blaze yelled at Streke and Dakron, “This isn’t your fight!”

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