Salvation: Part II

SideStep stares at the jellyfish as well.
“So pretty…” He says. “See? Good drink!”

Flyby and Breakswitch were at their usual posts, the two crowded arrays of consoles, screens, and holo-projectors at the far end of the bridge.

“I’ll say,” Facelift says, his eye wide. “I haven’t even had a sip an’ I’m already seeing things…”

Zepar asks them if they could check the information on the device he had and, if it did have directions to some kind of settlement, if they could plot a course.


Daria looks at Grommet and looks at Sprocket.
“So…I’m guessing this is out of the norm, but can you guys… like ‘hug’ it out, so…anyways we should work on that report.”

“Have some then!” SideStep half-shouts, pressing the bottle towards Facelift.

Breakswitch looks at the device, tilting her head. It was several thousand years old; almost obsolete, even, compared to its modern counterparts.

“Where did you get this?” she asks. “Did that junkion stowaway have it tucked in the back of his garbage scow?”

Sprocket snaps back to reality.

“Right!” he says. “Report. Report, report, report…”

“Report?” Grommet asks, turning away from the window. “What? On that theory of yours?”

“Mine, and the lady’s, actually,” Sprocket says, gesturing to Daria. “I know its unconfirmed, but there’s enough suggesting the possibility of a lost colony that I think it’s worth starting one.”

While in the lab, Daria might notice two objects among the clutter of Sprocket’s side of the room. The first was a small cube with a glowing porthole in one of its faces.

This cube was imbued with a tiny fragment of the Emberstone, the talisman of Quintus Prime which allowed the Prime of Life to create primitive creatures and revive the dead. The cube functioned as a portable Well of Sparks, creating new cybertronian life from whatever suitable materials were around it.

The second artifact was the Omega Key, the reason for Salvation’s voyage and for each member of her crew’s being here- including Daria.

This enigmatic device contained a holo-map displaying the location of the Omega Lock, though it had recently begun to display more bizarre properties- for example, it was largely responsible for repairing that ancient Knight ship in hangar thirty-one. Truly, there was more to the Omega Key than met the eye.

Facelift, without hesitation, snatches the bottle, flicks off the lid with one of his claws, and downs its contents. How he and a significant portion of the transformer race managed to drink without a mouth was a mystery that was likely to never be solved.

SideStep watched, eyes wide, not unlike a young child.
“Do ya like it?”

Facelift would probably begin to feel loopy.
(But you’re the Gm, you decide.)

Facelift was always loopy. He was, however, beginning to feel the ill-effects of downing an entire bottle of particularly potent engex in less than half a minute.

“Yeah, it’s grea-Whoa,” he says, the pupil of his eye flickering. “That… that was a mistake on my part…”

The lanky cyclops promptly falls on the floor and enters sleep mode with a drowsy " 'Night, everybody…"

Shockwave looks down at the now-comatose field medic. A barely-audible sigh escapes his speech synthesizer.

SideStep looks eagerly up at Shockwave.
“Wanna try some?” He asks. “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese?”

“No, a native Cybertronian from this world gave it to me.” Zepar said, “He says it could lead us to his leader, the prophetess Corona.” He explained.

He had skepticism about whether or not Corona was indeed a prophetess as most what he heard were rumors and it’s also kinda tricky to tell if such claims were scams or not sometimes.

“I do not drink,” Shockwave replies.

Breakswitch raises an eyebrow.

“Corona,” she repeats. “The loopy girl who thought Primus was giving her the temporal forecast? The one who took off to Junkion seven thousand years ago and dropped off the face of the civilized galaxy?”

Flyby throws his hands up into the air.

Why not?!” he laughs.

“We’ve seen crazier on this journey.” Zepar said in an almost humorous tone as he handed them the device.

“I could make it into food.”

Breakswitch takes the device.

“Y’know, you’re right,” she admits. “And I hate that.”

“I’ll certainly have a lot to tell the hatchlings when the war’s over,” Flyby chuckles.

" ‘What did you do during the Great War, old man?’ they’ll ask; and I’ll say: ‘Well now, kids, ol’ Flyby here discovered a mythical relic or five, re-wrote history, and saved the life of the Bot Upstairs.’ And those are just the real important parts!"

This elicits a chuckle from the bridge crew… excluding Motherboard, of course.

Shockwave begins to pick Facelift up off the floor.

“Help me take him to the medical wing,” he says, ignoring the offer.

“F-f-f-f-fine, Mr. Grumpy-face.” SideStep grumbled, stumbling towards Facelift. He ended up tripping over Facelift’s arm and hastily stood up, albeit he wobbled slightly.

Even Zepar chuckled at this comment. He watches the screens to see if the computer was able to read and display the information contained in the device.

“Not my fault!” Facelift rambles in his sleep.

“…He didn’t need that leg anyway…”

Despite its age, the device was still compatible with Salvation’s computers- if only barely so. The navigation console displays a map of Planet Omega- a miniature, translucent globe about the size of Zepar’s head. The island chains and glowing cracks were rendered in detail, and a few locations had been highlighted- presumably by Sidewinder- in yellow.

One location stood out: a large, round island- almost a continent in its own right- alone in the southern hemisphere. Like so many of Omega’s landmasses, it was covered in those glowing cracks, but these shone with a dazzling blue-white aura, and formed a spiderweb pattern that spanned most of the island. This location was also highlighted in yellow, with a few notations in neocybex.

That,” Breakswitch says, pointing to the island, “is where we’re supposed to go, from the look of it.”

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When noticing the creature, Pixel throws himself against the nearest viewport, like a Terran child pressing his face against an aquarium window.

Blight waits patiently, attempting to even meditate. His relaxed mood was interrupted frequently by his mind’s desire to take note of the cylinder’s status.

The cylinder’s status was unchanged.

One of the creature’s eyes swivels around to get a look at Pixel.

Pixel scans the jellyfish-like creature and replicates it, bobbing up and down.