The In-Between (RP Topic)

She leads him aside and tells him: “We have a plan and want you guys in on it.”

OOC: yes it did.

“Please explain”


OOC: Well…Blaze is basically useless in combat because now he has to use standard tools rather than magic. I guess I had this coming. Touche.

IC: Blaze thinks, Maybe I could pick this thing’s lock and get my powers back, then I can be of actual use; at least allow me to use Curaga on my team.

OOC: Except Eric. But he decided that he might as well Nerf himself since the plot wants everyone to be equal

IC: Eric and Armin continue traveling south.

They encountered a valley.

“Wish this thing at least let me keep Curaga, then I could increase our survivability.” Blaze groans, feeling…wrong without access to his magic and powers.

They both tell the people the same thing. “We let the Wolf thing go, or make it think we did, back to his leader, then we follow him and take them down, maybe after trying to reprogram him to help us out, and killing more on the way to use as disguises.”

Afterwards, Keya went back to the dead Wolfen and started fashioning the pieces into a disguise like thing she can put on to look like a Wolfen.

“I like that.” He nods in agreement

The wolfen continued to drink from the river.

Blaze checks what he has access to.

“Help us tell the others, but don’t let the Wolfen know, he might have speakers that tell the commander.”

Hitora walked close to the Wolfen.

“Huh. I can do that.” He plops one of the heads on him “Oh hey. It’s me!” He pops out the claws “Even more wolf like.”

@BlackBeltGamer98 He can have a rifle, a pistol, or a sword.

@Runa “Oh, hi!”

Edited for Double Posting - Waj

“Karabast! Why did they seal Curaga?” He thinks over his options and really is stuck between the sword and the rifle.

“Hi.” Hitora said. “Why did they fashion you after a wolf?” He asked, biding his time.

Keya walked over, having temporarily left her new disguise.

“Fashion? There just used to be a lot of wolves that lived around here. ALRA just took a natural resource and bent it to his will.”

“Traykar, should I use a sword or rifle?” Blaze whispers.

OOC: Traykar is no longer with the group. You can have both.