The In-Between (RP Topic)

“So why are you here?”

“Ah. Wait, what do you guys even run on? How do you power a dead body?” She asks, the last part seemingly(but not really) to herself.

“To find the enemy base. Why else?”

Eric snaps a branch midstride, and starts sharpening the end.

Blaze finds a scout and watches from a well concealing spot. (@Traykar)

“The dead don’t come back to life. They get recycled for parts. Oh, as to why all of us are wolves, I think it’s that robots don’t express independent thought, while people have too much independent thought. Animals can be domesticated and trained.”


“So insubordination? Is that right?”


Blaze ends up where everyone else was.

Blaze feels angry, free will is a precious gift. He looks for any sign of his friends.

F***. Avoided the question.
“Wouldn’t it get messy using a dead animal? I mean, where would they put the mechanics to get out of the way of the organs?”

OOC: I love writing Keya and her silver tongue.

“Incredibly messy. Very very messy. I don’t know, show me where your gall bladder is.”

Blaze grips his sword tightly. He wants to attack so badly and find a way to get his powers back.

“We were never gven any orders to disobey though. Not to mention, he isn’t our commander. He is our ally in this group.”

Eric finishes the spear, and throws it at the nearest speaker, hitting it dead on.

“Of course he is, you didn’t object to Echo ’ s leadership. You answer to him.”

Armin shrugs. Eric breaks another branch, and fashions another spear, which he throws at the next nearest speaker, hitting that one too. He repeats this process until they can’t hear the voice.

“I beg to differ, actually. I gave no commands and as such he has his own free will, well not now” He motions for armin to follow him

“What are your orders then?”

“I can lead you to the water stockpile,” The wolfen added.

OOC: They are somewhere else.

“Well, being biomechanical, I don’t even know if I have a gall bladder.” She said. “But it’s probably be near my intestines.”
Trust. Get his trust and we can get him to do what we want. She thinks to herself.
“Okay.” She says.

Ooc- Nevermind

Ic- @Traykar “I cannot tell you for the risk of the other commander hearing. Just know i have one”

Blaze is hidden, watching the chat.

“I mean, I don’t know how I work, dissect that guy over there,” gesturing to his former partner,“Wait, what did you do to him?”

OOC Might have to go take care of something. Try to get back on later