The Star Wars Battlefront Topic

They should have really gone with the overwatch where it’s just skins. Like I think people would pay more for cosmetic options. Because I haven’t heard a single person say they like and want to spend money on the current model. I’ve heard that you get 20,000 credits from completing the single player which I haven’t done and from that I’ll be able to get Vader and either Leia or palpatine. I’ve heard the lessened the amount you earn but I don’t know about the credibility of the place I’ve heard that from though.

It’s only 5000 now

Yes, they reduced it 75%… While the amount of credits you get was also reduced to 75%.

Basically, no change, and EA wants everyone to fall for it.


Yeah I heard that, that’s some BS.

They reduced the campaign rewards by 75%, not the overall rewards you get for everything else in the game. So, it’s not exactly ‘no change’.

Honestly, at this point, aside from remastering the classic Battlefront II, I don’t think anyone will ever be happy with a new Battlefront title, and that’s more down to that gamers are a varied group of people that like different things.

“What? I have to unlock stuff like most every shooter that’s come after CoD4? EA sucks, why can’t everything be available from the start like back in the day? This game is pay-to-win!”

“What? The campaign isn’t 20+ hours long, even though FPS campaigns usually don’t go that long? EA sucks!”

“Wait, the game has the smallest hint of microstransactions? BOYCOTT!”

To be fair, there’s been some big red flags for me that EA’s done, but the outrage is nonsense at this point. If there’s the tiniest thing gamers don’t like about something, they make sure to spew and rant about it. I’m sure the game will do fine (BF2015 did fine even though it got lots of grief) and whatever unforeseen issues that are there will get ironed out in a few weeks. Honestly,I thought the biggest point of contention with this game was going to be the cross-era heroes. At this point, that’s my biggest problem with the game.

For pete’s sake, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, and Battlefield Hardline allow you to buy shortcuts to unlock all the guns and equipment for all the classes. If one wanted to pick that game up today, they could have all the stuff unlocked in seconds. Why didn’t anyone ever blow up over that? That nonsense goes all the way back to 2011! Why, six years later, are people just now thinking it’s a problem?

People just wanna be mad, yo.

As in it’s bad because it happened, or the lowering campaign rewards thing is made up?

Clarification, please.

What I mean is it’s bad it happened. think that they should give you the option to get any hero you want. I’ll have no problem getting Vader because I already have been grinding and have 10,000 credits In my inventory. I don’t think the heroes should be locked to begin with what you should be grinding for is like a cool skin you want, but there’s like four in the game right now and two are preorder bonuses.

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The first EA battlefront didn’t require you to “earn” heroes. Weapons with the jabba contracts were a good system that should have stayed. But having to earn heroes in the sequel when the predecessor didn’t pull that bull?

Also, microtransactions in a 80 DOLLAR game shouldn’t exist.

Sorry, but no. There is no excuse for EA this time.


I don’t see the problem. The price points they were at, sure, that was an issue, but I don’t mind earning my way to Vader. One of the biggest complaints for Battlefront 2015 at launch was that there wasn’t really anything to work toward. Sure, different blasters were locked based on level, but that didn’t seem to cut it for a lot of people. When the company is addressing a problem people had with a previous iteration, they should be praised, not shredded for it.

Granted, I’m someone that doesn’t even want to play as the heroes most of the time. Every now and then I’ll get a hankering to go on a tear as Darth Maul, but hokey gameplay mechanics and ancient religions are no match for a good blaster at your side, IMO.

80? Is that Canadian currency? I’m paying $60 USD on launch day. The $80 Deluxe Edition just has a few extra perks, nothing special.

Still microtransactions in an AAA game are something we agree on. Get them outta there!

I think micro translations are fine if it’s for purely cosmetic items like overwatch. They should have things like Luke in his yellow jacket or his farm boy outfit, plus there’s tons they could pull from the comics.

Yes it’s Canadian, but no doubt lots of people are gonna get the Deluxe Edition, which is what I based it off of. Still, 60 dollars PLUS tax (in some states, unlike where I live) PLUS stuff like micro-transactions for “loot” which can take up tons of money.

Either that or you play for 40 hours, which is hard if you a person like me with college and work.

Why would anyone defend microtransactions


Microtransactions are probably going down in some of the worst things committed by humanity.


Well, the developers need to earn money after launch

You know, there was a time when video game developers didn’t need micro-transactions to make a living. There was a time when they consistently made good games, and that’s how they got paid. This game surely would be a good game, especially since DICE seemed to have put a lot of effort into it. However, it is now tainted by EA’s antics once again.

They’ll get a profit on this game from launch, which no doubt is guaranteed to at least sell 1 million copies if my predictions are right. A copy costs around 60 dollars, so they would at least get 60 million dollars out of that. That’s quite a bit of money.

The issue isn’t solely the micro transactions either. It’s the fact that they intentionally included a grinding function that takes so long to get anything that it’ll make people WANT to buy lootboxes.

I’m fine with loot, as long as it’s purely cosmetic. Using loot to let you unlock normal gameplay functions while other people who lack those funds have to GRIND to get the normal gameplay functions? That’s incredibly ridiculous.


That was also in a time when games were cheaper to make. This new Battlefront II probably cost ten times what it took to make the classic Battlefront II. Making money post-launch now seems more important than ever, and if they eliminate a Season Pass, you’d better bet there’s going to be a heavy dose of microtransactions added to the game.

From everything I’ve seen, and played in the BETA, it seems fantastic to me. There’s classes, Clone Wars content, a campaign, more planets, the gameplay is solid. I don’t see the big issue. I haven’t played the full game yet, but from what I’ve read, the worst of the grinding aspects have been dummbed down because of all the hubbub. It seems like the hardest items to get are the heroes because of their price. When I get the game tomorrow, I’m going to go straight toward unlocking Vader without buying any lootboxes with real cash and see how long it takes me. I highly doubt it’ll take 40 hours, so I’ll report back once that’s complete.

I think this just requires a different mindset. I will never, ever in the entire history of this game pay real money for a loot box. It’s just out of the question for me so much that I ignore the fact that feature even exists. So all I see is a typical progression system. It’s just that instead of getting a “Congrats, you leveled up, here’s some stuff” message, there’s an extra step thrown in by having to open a box. No biggie. Take out the extra step of opening a box, there’s nothing to complain about. That’s how I’ve been looking at this since the BETA, so why people are so upset astounds me. It’s not going to take you that long to unlock stuff like you would in any other modern shooter. Get over it, internet.

Unless I start playing and it does actually take that long, in which case I’ll reverse my position.

Aside: anyone else find it strange how it’s usually easy to find the budget on a movie but for games it’s very hard to find a budget? Destiny 1 is the only game I can remember hearing a budget for, and that’s just because it was the most expensive game to make at the time it launched, or something.

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RIP, he’s never coming back


Ok people, would you rather have lots of paid dlc expansions, or lootbixes and the expansions are free. Pick your poisen because i think i prefer lootboxes to paid dlc


Yeah, the tradeoff between a paywall between major parts of the game and optional smaller transactions to speed up things that could be earned seems fair to me

So i have a trash pc, but this black friday im getting a new gameing pc so ye

I would rather prefer paid DLC and get a complete game where I don’t have to grind to unlock NORMAL game functions.