Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

“What do you mean?”

Whetstone nodded and followed Firestorm, practicing the greetings as he went.

“You are a fast learner; I’m impressed.” Firestorm said as he noticed how quickly Whetstone was getting the hang of the phrases.

We should probably cover the grammar and various conjugations and tones in Ancient before we continue further. he thought.

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Firestorm nods, “As I said before, Ancient has a fair bit of…quirks that make it radically different from Cybex.” He said, giving examples and different tricks to help learn the various basic conjugations, grammar rules, tones and rules on them.

“I think it’s a bit tricky to learn at first but is relatively easy to master once you have the rules down.” Firestorm said, recalling how some of the records of Ancient in the Cybertronian database were a bit off on their translations now and then.

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Whetstone nodded, storing the information away for later. “Yeah, the conjugation is kinda weird.”

“I takes some getting used to.” Firestorm said as they walked down the hallway.

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Whetstone nodded. “I can tell. Hey, is there a different way to say names?”

“Allow me to say it this way,” Vector Prime implores.

“The future is still uncertain, Axis; you still have a ways to go in your quest, and in that time anything could happen. While you are certainly more likely of being chosen than someone like, say, Hydro Rex or Bootleg, it is, as of yet, premature to assume that you are the most likely.”

Vector Prime draws Rhisling, and the blade of the Sword of Time splits apart into near-a hundred polished fragments. Reflected in each was a vision of multiple different figures holding a lit Matrix of Leadership. One depicted Axis, however others still showed Ironclad, Seraphicon, Hecate, Ichor, a figure that greatly resembled Nemesis Prime, and a few others.[quote=“BlackBeltGamer98, post:8949, topic:46844, full:true”]
Firestorm nods and he asks Whetstone to follow him as he begins to head down the left path.
(@Chromeharpoon, @meepinater)

The corridor was dimly lit, and lacked paneling on a considerable portion of its’ walls.


Hammer left the Armory was heading towards his room and Hydro’s, to tell him about the news.

As Hammer approached the room he could see Hydro Rex dismantle his weapons and constructed back again.

“So it would seem you already found how to spend your time the most efficient way.” said Hammer.

Hydro Rex looks at him and smirks. “Well I gotta had to do somethin’ cause ya’ve been takin awhile now.” said Hydro.

“Oh was that long…” said Hammer as he came inside the room and closed the door, as he sat besides Hydro Rex.

“What you were goin somewhere ?” he asked.

“Well kind.” said Hammer.

“Kinda ?” he asked. “Be more specific.” said Hydro.

“Alright, here is my resume on what I did while I used the Triptych Mask.” said Hammer as he began explaining with every bit of detail what he talked with Onyx and his advise all the way, as Hammer tired and found out that he is worthy in Star Saber’s standards.

“Well, yeah. I understand that I’m not the most likely, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to get some insight from past primes. At best to prepare myself if it actually does happen, and at worse… Well I still get to talk to the 13, which is still great.”


“Not really,” Firestorm said, “Ancient follows similar rules as NeoCybex regarding names; the main exception being when talking to a Prime because of a slight change in tone.” He gives the example of Liege Maximo, saying it three ways: NeoCybex then in Ancient if it were the name of just another Cybertronian. When he said it using the tone ■■■■■, Whetstone would be able to tell this tone was the tone to use when speaking of someone in a very high rank which consisted of the Primes only.

Slight variations were noticeable when he referred to Unicron and his Heralds because the tone was bitter and almost venomous due to them being the enemies of Primus. A second variant was the Polite/Respectful Tone that had a more casual feel than the Prime Tone but still conveyed a sense of honor and respect towards an individual.

Firestorm looks at the hallway as they walk, noticing how there was a lack of panels. He calls in his Transtector and has it go into robot mode as he linked to it and activate its lights to help them see better.


Piston listened and repeated the names. “Huh. So tone has a lot of importance? It seems like it kinda dictates the meaning of the words. Like, a hidden meaning or something.”

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Rhisling reforms, and Vector Prime stows the blade.

“Well,” he says, “if there’s anything you can learn from me, I suppose it would be to be… flexible.”

This passage was leading Firestorm and Whetstone below the last mapped level of the ship.


“Really? What exactly do you mean?”

“Well, plan for the worst, expect the unexpected, have multiple backup plans, be spontaneous, and so on.”

“Interesting. And helpful. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

“One last thing before I go. Why is it that you don’t have a special realm like the other primes?”

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“It can.” Firestorm said. “Okay, has this path felt like we’re going downhill or is it just me?” He asked.

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