Transformers: Twilight of the Golden Age Part II

The two Bootlegs inch closer together.

" 'Ey," says our malfunctioning Minicon. “Ten shanix says my Maximus’ll win.”

“Nah, man, mine’s a Prime,” challenges the AU Bootleg.

“Wanna bet on that?”

“Hell yeah, I do!”

Liege Maximo strides onto the scene.

“Is everything-…?” he begins to ask, going silent as he lays eyes on the two Seraphicons.

“So you got that problem too, huh.” Hammer said referring to this situation where everybody had an alternate self.

AU Seraphicon saw Liege and immediately scrambled to grab the Matrix he dropped, “You’re not taking this away!” He yelled, barely holding onto one of its handles, “You are a murderer and a traitor!”

“That’s enough!” Seraphicon yelled, he didn’t yell like this often but this was getting grating. “How the heck did you get here?” He asked, trying to keep calm.

Darkstorm tries to flick the Skorn away from Hydro, “Yeah but this just means I can have so much fun messing with you all and trying to rack up a bill that will make me the richest guy in the universe.”

######“Always about the money and destruction and never about doing the right thing for the sake of it.” Whispered a voice that sounded like a depressed Firestorm.

“Oh, shut up!” Darkstorm said, “I’m not gonna kill anyone…yet.”

Hammer only nods.

Hydro Rex waited for Spokes response, (@Toa_Vladin)

“Guilty as charged,” responds Maximo.

“I hope you’re not asking me,” says the Prime of Lies.

In the cathedral, Ironclad has a conversation with his own alternate self.

“Well… I see we’re both Knights of Cybertron-”

“Knights of Iacon.”

“… Whatever. Knights, then.”

While Hydro Rex was talking two of the Minicons stole Hydro’s other blaster and pointed it to him.
“Are you really ready to die?”
“Put the blaster down…”
“And nobody gets hurt.”
“All right, pretty boy?”

Seraphicon gets his AU self up and starts leading him to the brig, “You are in need of some serious help and I am not keen on having you constantly screaming like a maniac all over the ship!” He said, growing annoyed by the coward.

“What are you doing?!” The AU Angelicon asked, “We need to hurry and get to the next relic before the Heralds arrive!” He screamed.

Darkstorm brought out his scimitar, it had a very jagged double-edge and glowed with blood red energy that crackled along its blade, and began charging his cannon, “Go ahead, I dare you.” He said, smiling at how many shanix some people would pay for some Deployers, most folks liked them alive but a few, mainly ‘scientists’ (like Shockwave from IDW who was really creepy with his work; seriously, his lack of any sort of regard for scientific morals and ethics creeps me out), didn’t mind as long as they could still harvest parts and abilities from them.

And if he could convince the buyers that the bodies were from an alternate universe…can you say, “KA-CHING!”?

The other hand cannon would proven to be a bit heavy for an minicon to wield.

Hydro Rex sighs, he places the cannon unto his holster. “Alright how about we make a deal, cons. I say: I’m sorry for kicking you, I wanted to help you. and you get off me and you give me my blaster back and so we all could go back to your things and you to your fight, alright?” asked Hydro Rex politely.

Hammer stepped in. “If you do not stop right now, I’ll have you all six to Captain Daybreak’s mercy, please stop right now or there will be consequences” Hammer said in a serious tone, wanting for this nonsense to stop.


This is why there were two Minicons.

The Minicons totally ignored Hammer. They jumped off Hydro. The two that were having the blaster, the Giffins, said in the same time:
“We wanna keep it. Allow us to keep it, or give us one identical or similar.”

“No, I cannot give you that hand cannon. Please give it back.” Hydro Rex asked politely.

“Then give us something similar.”
“Yeah let’s make a bargain.”
“We forgive you…”
“…but you give us a weapon.”
“Optimus, we are so similar!”

“A matching pair, how wonderful.” Darkstorm said as the cannon charged to fire but was knocked upwards by Firestorm, “No!” Yelled the Knight, “That is just plain sick.”

The shot hit the ceiling and Darkstorm growled, “Come on! That would’ve been a fat bonus!”

Firestorm looked at the two Griffins, “Gentlemen, please return the cannon to Hydro or I’ll take it backby force; I’m sure the armory has plenty of similar weapons stored inside.” He said.

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“I cannot, please give it back.” Hydro Rex asked again nicely.

“Then give us 50 shanix.”

“…I need a drink,” Daybreak decides, leaving the bridge.

“Yeah, I’ll join you,” agrees Nightfall.

“If only I could,” sighs AU Iota.

Liege Maximo follows the two Seraphicons (@BlackBeltGamer98)

“Gun first.” Hydro Rex said.

“Money first.”

“Fine.” Hydro Rex said, he approached the minicons and kneeled. “We are going to do this at once, alright? I give you the money you give me the gun, deal?” asked Hydro Rex.

The two smiled to each other.
“We wanna see the money first.”

Hydro Rex showed them the money.