What disturbs you?

While our existence, in the grand scheme of things, is pointless, that doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything meaningful in our lives. No matter how small, we can do something or change something that makes existence better for everyone around us and ourselves. In my eyes, to impact the world, even in a small way, is the reason we exist.


What disturbs me is that Popular Mechanics has published several articles recently that don’t address their own findings, and instead purport to address such issues as “2+2=5”, aka incorrect rounding of decimals; and measuring the concept of reality with a scientific quantum mechanics experiment, which didn’t provide any results that would answer the question.
Thus, they wasted space with tabloid headlines to get you to read such tripe.


well golly this topic was sure on a roll wasn’t it

anyway, here’s one people probably don’t know about: stink bugs.

I HATE stink bugs.


They disturb me likewise.

Though I admit I take considerable joy in flicking them off window screens in the summer.


what disturbs me is how much people are afraid of cockroaches

like I can get why people don’t like them but for some reason whenever one appears everyone starts screaming and jumping onto counters

they’re just little crawley bois 🪳🪳🪳



If it’s the Brown Marmorated Stinkbug make sure you kill every one you see unless you live in Asia

I still get th heebie jeebies at the sight of a house centipede


Sometimes I look into the mirror and I don’t recognize the person I see. Like, I’ve seen them before but they don’t feel like me. I have no idea who my brain thinks I am in that moment, but the person staring back definitely isn’t. Then I go to sleep and the next day I look into the mirror and the effect is completely gone. I recognize the person in the mirror as myself. The strange thing is that this happens once every few months or so, with it happening today and the last time I remember being over the summer.


Perhaps you deserve more self-concern than you’ve permitted

I sometimes feel that way when external matters demand the entirety of my attention and time, like I have no familiarity with my own identity

The wider world will always demand everything you have, but sometimes you gotta tell the world ‘no’ and give yourself some attention. Just to know who you are, what you believe, and what makes your life a happy one

or you’re quoting something and I didn’t catch the reference but in any case that’s my thought


sorry for invading your mirror annually


This reminds me of a thing that happened to me once

Space, staring idly, my thoughts inward, seeing everything in front of me and at the same time nothing at all, unfocused, my brain miles away from my body, deep in thought. Until something pulls my attention back to the here and now:

A pair of eyes, staring right at me.

I’ve always been very uncomfortable with eye contact, so something about those eyes grabs a part of my attention, especially since I know there’s no one in front of me. I’m in the back seat of a vehicle, alone, there should be no one to meet my gaze, and yet I find myself staring at a pair of eyes, staring back just as intently.

I can’t just look away. To do so would be to show discomfort, like I felt looking at this person was a mistake, like I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t. I meet the gaze of the eyes, waiting for them to react, to say something, or to look away, but they don’t. They don’t blink, they don’t move, they just stare. Finally, I have to look away for a second, and when I look back, they are still there, staring. I start to panic, my breathing getting shallow…

Finally, my fear draws the rest of my attention back to the present, and I realize the glaringly obvious: it’s my reflection. I’ve caught my reflection in the rearview mirror, and from this angle, I can only see my eyes, which is very disconcerting even when I know what’s going on. I lean forward slightly, able to see the rest of my face, and that’s fine; my own blank expression is just like any other, but when I can only see the eyes, their unyielding stare that matches mine for every moment, the rest of the face obscured, it looks creepy, in some way I can’t put a finger on.

I have to look away; their gaze unnerves me.

This sounds logical, actually. Have you ever seen a picture of, or met, someone you’ve only interacted with online, or heard about, and thought “that does not look like the person I know?” You know it is the same person, but your brain has formed an image of the person from your knowledge that doesn’t line up with what you see.

This is the same phenomenon, in a way. You interact with yourself every day, but unless you’re a model or actor or something, you don’t see yourself unless you happen to look in a mirror. Your brain forms an image of yourself, which doesn’t always line up with what you look like since this image is based on your interactions, and 99% of those don’t involve you seeing yourself. Every few months, your brain has to reconnect it’s image of “Cordax” with your appearance.

It can also be indicative of personal growth or changes, something affecting how you see yourself. Obviously, if your appearance changes, your brain will have trouble connecting it to you, but the reverse is also true, if you change. For example, imagine a nerdy kid and a school bully. No doubt the two kids you imagined look different, even though there isn’t any reason for them to. If you were, metaphorically speaking, changing from a school bully to a nerd, you might look at yourself and your brain says “I see a school bully, but that can’t be me, I’m a nerd”.


When i open a yogurt and there’s liquid in it sitting on top of the yogurt
I hate that


Healthy food that tastes twenty times worse than junk food (or comparable lunch foods)



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Boiled vegetables. What was wrong with them raw?! That way, instead of having some bitter-tasting soup, you have some crunch and texture!
As for actually disturbing stuff, I prefer to NOT. It’s probably just me being weak but I don’t like the gory stuff because it has a tendency to stick in my head for longer periods than I would like.


One word to all you people out there boiling vegetables

That way they keep the nutritions and they taste nicer


You call vegetables steamed vegs?


Making animals wear human clothes. Next we’re gonna force em all to be right handed and Catholic. Leave that stuff in cartoons


The people who say animals should have ALL the rights humans have. What will they do when it’s realized animals can’t speak English?? What about suing the squirrels that caused rot in their attic?


What’s really disturbing about this is that humans have already begun to do it with animals that don’t even have hands. Gray whales dig through the dirt with their faces to find food. These whales often favor one side of their face to do the digging. Humans disgust me; leave the whales alone!